Library Rules
Sl No. | Library Rules and Regulations |
1 | The library is to be opened from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (from Monday to Saturday).Library issuing (book lending) hour 10. 30 A.M. to 3.30 P.M. (Monday to Saturday) |
2 | The Books and periodicals of the library are for the use of a) The Teaching (both permanent and part-time & contractual) members, b) The Non-Teaching members, c) The members of the Governing Body, and d) the temporary users (Mainly Ex-students who are involved in research work and going to face competitive examination subject to the principals' permission). |
3 | Ex-teachers, Ex-non teaching members and Ex-students may use the library subject to the principal's permission within the Library itself. |
4 | Each student has to be a member for using the library. |
5 | Every Honors student may borrow two books, and Pass students may borrow one book at a time. |
6 | In the course of issuing a new library card (for 1st-year students) and renewing existing library cards (for 2nd and 3rd-year students), the book lending hour may be reduced for that period temporarily, subject to the principal's permission and notice. |
7 | The library card is not transferable in any position, and at the same time, one user has no right to issue books against another user's card in the course of his/her absence. |
8 | A duplicate card will be issued on the payment of an additional library caution deposit. |
9 | Books are issued against a requisition slip, duly filled up by the students themselves between 10 and 30 a.m. and 3 and 30 p.m., and they have to borrow it on the same day. But circulation was suspended one hour before the closing. |
10 | Before issuing books, users have to go through the call number from the OPAC (Online Public Access catalogue) and fill up the requisition slip clearly and rightly to submit it to the issue counter. |
11 | At the time of issuing books for leading, the users of all kinds have to check the page number and position of the book(s) and submit his/her library card along with the requisition slip to the staff of the issue counter. He/she will get the card returned only when they return the library books to the library. |
12 | No, the student is allowed to take an additional copy of the same title at a time. |
13 | For the delayed return (the holidays and any vacation should be exempted from the count), a fine of 50 paise per day is to be paid to the college authority by the user initially. But, after considering the essence of the book and the cause of the delayed return, the librarian may periodically suspend the card. |
14 | Before filling up the University Examination Form, each and every student's member is liable to return the library books to the library and hand over his/her library card to the librarian to have the library clearance. |
15 | Reference and confined copy, Journal, and newspapers should never be issued to any member; these are only meant for reading within the library premises |
16 | Reading Room service is also provided to the student member from both Reference and text collection as well as current journals and career guidance collection, as and when they required the same after depositing the reading card to the staff concerned. |
17 | In case of taking a book to home against the reading card, then the concerned student will have to pay Rs. 5/- per day as fine from the date of issuing the book. |
18 | In the case of book being lost by the user of all kinds, then he/she will have to go through the following: |
19 | The students of the college, Replace the same book (same title by the same author) as of current edition, if available in the market; if not, then the user should have to pay the amount. |
20 | Some rare, marked books are there in the almirah, and these are generally meant for reference purposes only. |
21 | The library stack is fully open access to the staff of all kinds, while the same is strictly close access to the student users. |
22 | Disregard of library rules, indiscipline, and misbehavior will render students liable to be denied access to the library. |
23 | In case of loss of the library card, to get a duplicate library card, the student has to go through the following: a) At first, inform the local police station in writing to have the diary number; b) Then the application should be forwarded by the principal; c) He/she should have to deposit Rs. 10/- to the college cash counter as duplicate library fees; d) Finally, he/she should have to come to the library issue counter. |
24 | Reading Room service is also provided to the student member from Reference and text collection as well as current journals and career guidance collection, as and when they required the same after depositing the reading card to the staff concerned. |
25 | In case a book is lost by the user of all kinds, then he/she will have to go through the followings : (a) The students of the college, Replace the same book (same title by the same author) as of current edition, if available in the market; (b) if not, then the user should have to pay the amount. |
26 | In all cases of controversies, the library constitution and library rules and regulations are the final. |
27 | The library is under CCTV surveillance. |